Tomorrow is Last Day to Sign up for 2021 Coverage on Delaware’s Health Insurance Marketplace

Delawareans have until Tuesday, Dec. 15, to sign up for or change their health coverage for 2021 through Delaware’s Health Insurance Marketplace. For those who enroll by the deadline and pay their first premium, coverage will begin Jan. 1, 2021. State residents can sign up for coverage at or by calling 1–800–318–2596 (TTY: 1–855–889–4325). Free assistance is available through Westside Family Healthcare at 302–472–8655 in New Castle County and 302–678–2205 in Kent and Sussex counties or State-licensed insurance agents and brokers also can help individuals enroll or re-enroll and help employers update their coverage, at no extra charge. For contact information and other details about Delaware’s Health Insurance Marketplace, go to
Individuals who don’t act by Dec. 15 cannot get 2021 coverage unless they qualify for a Special Enrollment Period based on circumstances such as a loss of qualifying health coverage, change of income, birth or adoption of a child, a permanent move, marriage or divorce, or other qualifying factors.
For more information and to view full press release click here.