Senator Pettyjohn re-introduces Senate Bill 65 (FAST Act)
If Delaware needs tradespeople, then Delaware needs FAST.
During the 150th General Assembly, Senator Pettyjohn introduced Senate Bill 65, the Focus on Alternative Skills Training Program (FAST) and will again do so in the 151st. SB65 will provide up to $9,000 in tuition to Delaware residents who have obtained a high school diploma, Diploma of Alternative Achievement Standards, or GED and have enrolled in an approved non-degree credit certificate program.
The aim is to help students who have an interest in pursuing a technical career, but who may have a financial barrier preventing them from receiving the proper accredited training.
Delaware has a huge need for blue collar vocational workers. The jobs are often high-paying, but the pool of workers is very slim. We can increase the number of qualified tradespeople by passing and enacting SB65.
To view the legislation in its entirety, click here.