Rehoboth Beach Trail Extension Work Set to Begin

The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces that work will begin on the Rehoboth Beach trail extension on Monday, March 8, 2021. This project is the completion of the low-stress bicycle connection into the City of Rehoboth from the Junction and Breakwater Trail network.
The existing Junction and Breakwater Trail is a heavily used multi-use trail that follows a section of the former Penn Central railroad between Lewes and Rehoboth Beach. The existing trail splits in West Rehoboth and terminates at the intersection of Hebron Road and Holland Glade Road, as well as near the intersection of Hebron Road and Harmon Street. The trail currently terminates onto existing streets and provides no dedicated off-road route into the City of Rehoboth.
The $513,000 project includes the connection of a 10-foot-wide asphalt trail through private property from Canal Street to Rehoboth Avenue and the development of a two-way buffered bicycle lane along Rehoboth Avenue to Grove Park within the city. The work will also include paving, concrete sidewalk, signage, striping, site amenities and fencing. The work is expected to be completed before Memorial Day.