Governor Carney Issues Update to Omnibus COVID-19 Emergency Declaration
Occupancy limits to increase in restaurants, retail; tournaments can resume with a plan; vaccination providers must report demographic information or face fines.

Governor John Carney on Thursday issued the Sixth Modification to his Omnibus State of Emergency Declaration, easing COVID-19 occupancy restrictions and requiring Delaware vaccination providers to report complete demographic information within 24 hours of administering a vaccine to the Delaware Immunization Information System (DelVAX).
The Governor’s sixth modification also requires health care providers, pharmacies and other entities that provide vaccinations to offer the shots free of charge, though insurance information may be collected. Enrolled vaccination providers must follow eligibility criteria in Delaware’s COVID-19 vaccination program, as defined by the Division of Public Health (DPH). Failure to comply with data reporting requirements in Thursday’s order may result in fines for providers, and reductions in vaccine allocation.
Click here to read Governor Carney’s sixth modification.
Click here to read the full Omnibus COVID-19 Emergency Order.
“We are administering more vaccines each day, and we continue to see improvement in our COVID-19 case rates and hospitalizations statewide. That’s good news, but it’s no reason to let our guard down,” said Governor Carney. “We need to make sure we’re distributing the vaccine equitably across our state. That is a priority. And we need to limit community spread of this virus. We know what works. Until we can vaccinate enough Delawareans, continue to wear a mask. Avoid gatherings. Wash or sanitize your hands frequently. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s stay vigilant.”
Effective at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, February 12, occupancy inside restaurants, retail locations, gyms, houses of worship, arts venues, and other business locations must not exceed 50 percent of stated fire capacity. Businesses must continue to follow social distancing and other COVID-19 restrictions issued by local and state governments.
Governor Carney’s modification also allows youth and amateur sports tournaments to resume with a plan approved by the Division of Public Health (DPH). Delawareans who travel out of state for sports tournaments and competitions are strongly encouraged, though no longer required, to self-quarantine in accordance with DPH guidance.
Additionally, Thursday’s modification extends consumer and voting protections during the COVID-19 crisis.
Effective at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 4, this modification strengthens a previous prohibition on price gouging. It also allows Delawareans to cast absentee ballots in 2021 municipal elections due to COVID-19.
Learn more about Delaware’s COVID-19 vaccination program at
Are you 65 or older? Sign up for the State of Delaware’s vaccination waiting list at Delawareans also may call DPH’s Vaccination Call Center at 1–833–643–1715.
Individuals with general questions about COVID-19 should call Delaware 2–1–1. Those who are deaf or hard of hearing can text their ZIP code to 898–211, or email Hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Medically related questions regarding testing, symptoms, and health-related guidance can be submitted by email at
Visit for the latest information on Delaware’s COVID-19 response. Find testing events and locations at