Eligible Seniors 65 and Older Can Sign Up for Vaccination This Weekend

Any individuals 65 and older who live, work or receive their health care in Delaware are invited to sign up to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Dover International Speedway. Seniors who meet this criteria can sign up by going to https://vaccinerequest.delaware.gov/s/schedule.
Multiple invitations to individuals remaining on the state’s 65+ waiting list have not filled appointments this weekend at Dover International Speedway. Approximately 2,600 remain as of 4 p.m., Wednesday. So those 65+ who qualify for vaccination who may not have gotten on the waiting list are now encouraged to make an appointment directly.
The scheduling website will only accept appointments by individuals 65 and up, and photo ID is required at the vaccination event in order to prove age, so those who are not 65 and older should not attempt to make an appointment.
The state is working to serve Delaware seniors who have not yet been vaccinated in preparation for opening the state’s waiting list and the state’s vaccination events next week to those age 50 and older. The Dover Speedway vaccination event this weekend may be one of the last state-coordinated events with appointments reserved solely for seniors.
At the Dover Speedway event, DPH will administer Moderna vaccine on Friday and Sunday, and Pfizer vaccine on Saturday. This is a drive-through event that usually takes 15 or 20 minutes from arriving to being vaccinated, followed by a short observation period before departure.
The weekend event will also vaccinate frontline and other essential employees who are being signed up via outreach directly to employers, and the event will provide second doses to teachers and childcare workers who received a first dose at Dover Speedway in February. These employment-based appointments are being made through a separate link.
In addition to announcing the move toward expanding the state’s waiting list next week, on Tuesday, Governor Carney also announced that pharmacies in Delaware may begin vaccinating Delawareans aged 50+ starting today. Health care providers, including hospitals, may vaccinate patients 16+ with high- and moderate-risk medical conditions, also starting today.
DPH will continue to update the public as more information becomes available. For the latest on Delaware’s response, go to de.gov/coronavirus.