DART to hold virtual public hearing workshop
Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) invites you to join a virtual Public Hearing Workshop via Zoom to provide input and comments on proposed changes to DART Statewide Bus Services and Fares to become effective February 14, 2021, coinciding with I-95 construction.

When: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 — 4 PM to 6 PM
The virtual workshop will begin with a presentation of the proposed service and fare changes, followed by a question and answer period (approx. 30 minutes). The remainder of the workshop will be followed by public testimony for those wishing to provide public comments. All content for the virtual public hearing workshop will be recorded and posted to www.DartFirstState.com; public testimony will be transcribed by a hearing reporter. Closed Captioning is available through Zoom. If an accommodation such as a language translator is needed, please call (302) 760–2827, one week in advance.
For your convenience, a summary of proposed service and fare changes, maps and specific schedules are available for review online at www.DartFirstState.com, at the reception desks of DART Administrative Offices in Wilmington and Dover, and at the Lewes Transit Center. The summary is also attached in English and Spanish.
Attendees may also provide comments via email, online comment form, calling 1–800–652-DART (3278), option 2, or by mail sent to: DART Public Hearing, 119 Lower Beech St., Wilmington, DE 19805–4440 or online at www.DartFirstState.com/publichearing by November 30, 2020.
Zoom Link Information for DART Virtual Public Hearing Workshop
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 874826
Or join by Zoom App
Meeting ID: 843 8742 8414
Meeting Passcode: 874826
Or join by telephone:
(646) 876 9923
Meeting ID: 843 8742 8414
Meeting Password: 874826
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,84387428414#,,,,,,0#,,874826#