Beating this Virus: A Message from Ernie
Greetings to all this new week and I truly hope this note, finds each of you and your families, healthy and well. I wanted to briefly take a moment to thank all of the employees from DELDOT, and other state agencies, staff from Beebe Medical Center, Sussex County EMS, Delaware Medical Reserve Corps, Delaware National Guard, and the dozens of selfless volunteers, who worked the COVID vaccination clinic, held over the weekend at the Georgetown DMV. As meaningful as it was to see neighbors, fellow parish parishioners, my daughter’s bus driver and so many familiar faces getting their first dose of the vaccine, I am very understanding of the need for improvements and will continue to advocate for the resources and support required.

With that said, adjustments that were made as a result of evaluating the efficacy of Saturday’s clinic and improvements put in place for yesterday’s session, made for significant improvement and I truly appreciate DHSS and other stakeholders for not “doing it the same old way” and instead pivoting in order to make the clinic go more smoothly for those registered. Below I have included the most recent information provided from Delaware Public Health and will continue to provide as up to date information as possible in order to guide you through this important stage in the battle against COVID-19.

In the meantime, for those of us (like myself) who are not in the designated categories where vaccination is imminent, please continue to follow CDC and state guidance in regards to masking, social distancing and frequent testing. This week alone there are four free testing clinics being offered here locally in the 6th State Senate. .

Friends, please continue to take advantage of these testing opportunities.
Sadly, a small angry group, most of whom are active on the “progressive left” here locally, have been complaining and banging the tired old drum to my staff and other legislators of “Sussex not getting their fair share” in regards to testing opportunities. As it plays out time and time again when these complaints are thrown around by these so called “activists” and as demonstrated by the list of opportunities below, the facts, do not back up their negative and false claims.

I have not and will not allow those who seek to use this virus as a political wedge, to spread false information, especially to our senior citizens, here in the Cape Region. Again, please see the locations below for free testing here locally this week and be aware that registration is not required. You can make a line and walk right on up and take the test!

Now more than ever, it is my honor to serve as your Senator and I wish you and yours safety and good health.