Additional Delaware Deer Hunting Seasons Opening in January

Firearm deer hunting seasons opening in January and continuing archery deer seasons provide the last chance for hunters to harvest deer during the 2020/21 hunting season. Deer hunting is allowed on all Sundays, using only those hunting methods legal for the respective deer hunting season, with more information available from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control at Hunters are encouraged to harvest does (female deer) to help manage the size and quality of the deer population.
Successful deer hunters who wish to donate venison to those in need are encouraged to participate in Delaware’s Sportsmen Against Hunger Program. Field-dressed deer may be donated at participating butchers or self-serve, walk-in coolers maintained by the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife, with additional information and participating butcher and cooler locations found at All donated deer will be processed free of charge to the hunter, and the meat will be distributed to participating charitable organizations serving those in need. Last year, hunters donated 25,406 pounds of venison that provided over 100,000 meals to Delawareans in need.
Deer hunting seasons opening in January include:
- January handgun season*: Jan. 2, Jan. 4 to 9, which excludes Sunday, Jan. 3**
- January shotgun season*: Jan. 16 to 24, including Sundays
- January muzzleloader season: Jan. 25 to Jan. 31, including Sundays
* Straight-walled, pistol-caliber rifles are allowed during the January handgun and shotgun deer seasons.
**Hunters may only use archery equipment, including crossbows, to hunt on Sunday, Jan. 3.
For more information and to view full press release, click here.